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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1045
Authorizing certain local authorities to establish maximum speed limits on certain nonarterial highways.
HB 1046
Concerning uncontested rate modifications for utilities and transportation commission regulated water companies.
HB 1047
Concerning photographs, microphotographs, and electronic images from traffic safety cameras and toll systems.
HB 1048
Regarding higher education governance.
HB 1049
Concerning the administration and operation of flood control districts.
HB 1050
Authorizing government agencies to sell naming rights of public facilities.
HB 1051
Authorizing the sale of rights to name or rename state transportation facilities.
HB 1052
Concerning local government selection of appropriate sewer systems in urban areas.
HB 1053
Requiring notice to property owners when a county, city, or town modifies its zoning requirements.
HB 1054
Regarding the allocation of one-half of one percent of original public school construction for equipment and technology purposes.
HB 1055
Concerning metropolitan park district property tax levies.
HB 1056
Authorizing certain corporate officers to receive unemployment benefits.
HB 1057
Making 2013-2015 operating appropriations.
HB 1058
Making 2013 supplemental operating appropriations.
HB 1059
Providing that a proclamation of a state of emergency is effective upon the governor's signature.