Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1135

    Concerning the annual gross sales limits for cottage food operations.

    HB 1136

    Providing for increased funding for emergency medical services by adjusting the emergency medical services' levy cap.

    HB 1137

    Allowing county registrars to issue certificates of stillbirth upon the request of the mother or father.

    HB 1138

    Creating clean energy jobs in Washington through renewable energy incentives.

    HB 1139

    Concerning public notification of local health conditions.

    HB 1140

    Concerning sibling visitation after a dependency has been dismissed or concluded.

    HB 1141

    Establishing a water pollution control revolving loan administration charge.

    HB 1142

    Establishing a pilot program for payment of past due property taxes.

    HB 1143

    Providing accountability to procurement policy.

    HB 1144

    Regarding qualifications for educational interpreters.

    HB 1145

    Providing credit towards child support obligations for veterans benefits.

    HB 1146

    Concerning certified water right examiner bonding requirements.

    HB 1147

    Modifying first degree unlawful possession of a firearm provisions.

    HB 1148

    Addressing dissenters' rights under the Washington business corporation act.

    HB 1149

    Increasing the volume of spirits that may be sold per day to a customer of a craft distillery.