Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1180

    Addressing death benefits for volunteer firefighters and reserve officers.

    HB 1181

    Requiring information on home energy efficiency to be included in residential home inspection reports.

    HB 1182

    Including pharmacists in the legend drug act.

    HB 1183

    Regarding wireless communications structures.

    HB 1184

    Protecting sport shooting ranges.

    HB 1185

    Concerning equitable allocation of auditor costs.

    HB 1186

    Concerning veterinarian immunity from liability when reporting suspected animal cruelty.

    HB 1187

    Concerning grants for community outdoor and indoor athletic facilities.

    HB 1188

    Creating a focused effort on reestablishing a rural agricultural economy in western Washington by making investments aimed at returning underproducing land back into a state of active agricultural production.

    HB 1189

    Ensuring a balanced representation of interests on the fish and wildlife commission.

    HB 1190

    Requiring drug testing for recipients of benefits under the temporary assistance for needy families program.

    HB 1191

    Protecting livestock against predator attacks.

    HB 1192

    Regarding license fees under Title 77 RCW for veterans with disabilities.

    HB 1193

    Notifying landowners of applications to construct wind turbines.

    HB 1194

    Limiting liability for habitat projects.