Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1240

    Authorizing certain water-sewer districts to use the job order contracting procedure.

    HB 1241

    Concerning contractor's bond.

    HB 1242

    Concerning the authority of a vehicle subagent to recommend a successor.

    HB 1243

    Modifying expiration dates affecting the department of natural resources' timber sale program.

    HB 1244

    Clarifying the department of natural resources' authority to enter into cooperative agreements.

    HB 1245

    Regarding derelict and abandoned vessels in state waters.

    HB 1246

    Removing certain requirements for motorcycle helmet use.

    HB 1247

    Modifying job skills program provisions.

    HB 1248

    Supporting music education for young children in public schools.

    HB 1249

    Exempting from prevailing wage requirements public works projects undertaken to repair fire damage.

    HB 1250

    Concerning juveniles and runaway children.

    HB 1251

    Increasing membership on the opportunity scholarship board.

    HB 1252

    Establishing the Washington K-12 online professional development project.

    HB 1253

    Concerning the lodging tax.

    HB 1254

    Addressing prevailing wage filings.