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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1285
Modifying provisions regarding the representation of children in dependency matters.
HB 1286
Authorizing the sale or exchange of unused department of transportation lands to federally recognized Indian tribes.
HB 1287
Subjecting federally recognized Indian tribes to the same conditions as state and local governments for property owned exclusively by the tribe.
HB 1288
Concerning the construction of a state boundary bridge.
HB 1289
Regarding the use of an energy storage facility to meet annual targets under RCW 19.285.040.
HB 1290
Requiring county auditors to place ballot drop boxes at various locations throughout the county.
HB 1291
Concerning services for victims of the sex trade.
HB 1292
Vacating prostitution convictions.
HB 1293
Requiring school districts to disclose information about required assessments.
HB 1294
Concerning flame retardants.
HB 1295
Modifying the powers and duties of the gambling commission.
HB 1296
Requiring integrated resource plans developed by electric utilities to include an assessment of energy storage systems.
HB 1297
Implementing a recommendation of the sunshine committee.
HB 1298
Implementing the recommendations of the sunshine committee.
HB 1299
Implementing the recommendations of the sunshine committee.