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HB 1389
Addressing the rights of crime victims.
HB 1400
Clarifying that service includes electronic distribution of hearing notices and orders in administrative proceedings.
HB 1390
Prohibiting local governments and state agencies from mandating the installation of fire sprinkler systems in agricultural structures.
HB 1391
Limiting enrollment in certain health care and human service programs to United States citizens and qualified aliens.
HB 1392
Protecting citizens from the application of foreign laws that would result in a violation of a constitutional right.
HB 1393
Providing information to assist in unemployment insurance overpayment recovery.
HB 1395
Implementing the unemployment insurance integrity provisions of the federal trade adjustment assistance extension act of 2011.
HB 1396
Changing the unemployment insurance shared work program by adopting short-time compensation provisions in the federal middle class tax relief and job creation act of 2012.
HB 1470
Addressing the recommendations of the vocational rehabilitation subcommittee for workers' compensation.
HB 1397
Adding a requirement to sexual health education to include elements of and consequences for conviction of sexual offenses where the victim is a minor.
HB 1398
Supporting youth programs through agricultural fairs and the horse racing commission.
HB 1399
Giving general law enforcement authority to natural resource investigators.
HB 1401
Addressing the timing of penalties under the growth management act.
HB 1402
Adopting the insurer state of entry model act.
HB 1403
Promoting economic development by providing information to businesses.