Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1434

    Regarding the inclusion of community involvement in environmental decision making.

    HB 1435

    Clarifying agency relationships in reconveyances of deeds of trust.

    HB 1436

    Concerning privileging and professional conduct reviews by health care professional review bodies.

    HB 1437

    Concerning small farms under the current use property tax program for farm and agricultural lands.

    HB 1438

    Concerning de facto changes in water rights for irrigation purposes that involved conversion to more efficient irrigation technologies.

    HB 1439

    Concerning autonomous vehicles.

    HB 1440

    Ensuring fairness to employers by protecting employees.

    HB 1441

    Addressing long-term care insurance.

    HB 1442

    Providing increased access to parimutuel satellite locations in counties with a population exceeding one million.

    HB 1443

    Providing for property tax exemption for the value of new construction of industrial/manufacturing facilities in targeted urban areas.

    HB 1444

    Concerning stewardship of household mercury-containing lights.

    HB 1445

    Concerning complex rehabilitation technology products.

    HB 1446

    Concerning judicial proceedings and forms.

    HB 1447

    Modifying the boundaries of certain heavy haul corridors.

    HB 1448

    Regarding telemedicine.