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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1464
Simplifying and adding certainty to the calculation of workers' compensation benefits.
HB 1465
Concerning recovery for purposes of legal actions under the industrial insurance statutes.
HB 1466
Revising alternative public works contracting procedures.
HB 1467
Addressing the collection of unpaid wages.
HB 1468
Modifying payment methods on certain claimants' benefits.
HB 1469
Addressing industrial insurance for horse racing employment.
HB 1471
Updating and aligning with federal requirements hospital health care-associated infection rate reporting.
HB 1472
Providing initiatives to improve and expand access to computer science education.
HB 1473
Requiring certain entities to report payments for construction services.
HB 1474
Giving general election voters the power to choose between the top two candidates for nonpartisan offices.
HB 1475
Authorizing waivers of state requirements for school districts.
HB 1476
Establishing a performance-based grading system for schools and school districts.
HB 1483
Concerning public and private airport parking facilities.
HB 1477
Providing flexibility for how school districts address truancy of students.
HB 1478
Providing a moratorium on rule making.