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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1555
Concerning the education of surgical technologists.
HB 1556
Creating initiatives in high schools to save lives in the event of cardiac arrest.
HB 1557
Concerning publicly owned industrial wastewater treatment facilities.
HB 1558
Concerning the taxation of honey beekeepers.
HB 1559
Requiring crisis intervention training for peace officers.
HB 1560
Implementing selected recommendations from the 2011 and 2013 reports of the quality education council.
HB 1561
Concerning short-barreled rifles.
HB 1562
Requiring funding for professional development for K-12 teachers.
HB 1563
Concerning the disposition of surplus property for the development of affordable housing.
HB 1564
Concerning the medical quality assurance commission.
HB 1565
Funding the prescription monitoring program from the medicaid fraud penalty account.
HB 1566
Concerning educational outcomes of youth in out-of-home care.
HB 1567
Concerning a sales and use tax exemption for certain financial information provided to qualifying businesses providing international investment management services.
HB 1568
Concerning the business licensing service program administered by the department of revenue.
HB 1569
Concerning information about the county-based system of collecting legal financial obligations.