Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    HB 1585

    Protecting children under the age of eighteen from the harmful effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation associated with tanning devices.

    HB 1586

    Requiring transparency for patients regarding training and qualifications of health care professionals.

    HB 1587

    Addressing public employee benefits.

    HB 1588

    Requiring universal background checks for firearms transfers.

    HB 1589

    Concerning the solemnization of marriages.

    HB 1590

    Establishing a training program for managers of manufactured housing communities.

    HB 1591

    Improving the business climate and stimulating job creation by requiring certain agencies to establish a formal review process of existing rules.

    HB 1592

    Concerning the enforcement of speeding violations on certain private roads.

    HB 1593

    Providing access to the prescription drug monitoring database for clinical laboratories.

    HB 1594

    Concerning interviewing children in child protective services investigations at children's advocacy centers.

    HB 1595

    Addressing the powers of initiative and referendum within counties that are not home rule charter counties.

    HB 1596

    Authorizing Washington pharmacies to fill prescriptions written by physician assistants in other states.

    HB 1597

    Making marijuana law technical corrections.

    HB 1598

    Providing an exemption for certain lodging services from the convention and trade center tax.

    HB 1599

    Concerning shoreline master program provisions for marine aquaculture net pen facilities.