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Select a Bill to Comment on.
HB 1600
Helping to ensure the viability of small forest landowners.
HB 1601
Providing alternatives for penalties stemming from traffic infractions.
HB 1602
Concerning fuel usage of publicly owned vehicles, vessels, and construction equipment.
HB 1603
Concerning renewal of licenses and the status of licenses to practice dentistry.
HB 1604
Reducing the frequency of local sales and use tax changes.
HB 1605
Expanding the membership of the state building code council.
HB 1606
Concerning carbon monoxide alarms.
HB 1607
Providing alternative means of service in forcible entry and forcible and unlawful detainer actions.
HB 1608
Concerning the marine employees' commission.
HB 1609
Renaming the board of pharmacy.
HB 1610
Calculating service credit for school administrators for alternate early retirement eligibility.
HB 1611
Allowing lunch breaks for registered tow truck operators while requiring reasonable availability.
HB 1612
Concerning information on firearm offenders.
HB 1613
Establishing the criminal justice training commission firing range maintenance account.
HB 1614
Authorizing applied doctorate level degrees in audiology at Western Washington University.