Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5780

    Creating efficiencies for institutions of higher education.

    SB 5781

    Authorizing membership in the Washington public safety employees' retirement system for employees at city and county corrections departments, public corrections entities, the department of corrections, and the department of social and health services who provide direct care to, or ensure the custody and safety of, offender and patient populations.

    SB 5782

    Establishing standards for the use of public unmanned aircraft systems.

    SB 5783

    Modifying the Washington customized employment training program to include industry cluster associations.

    SB 5784

    Concerning the joint center for aerospace technology innovation.

    SB 5785

    Modifying requirements for the display and replacement of license plates.

    SB 5786

    Requiring certain information in commercial fishing guide license applications.

    SB 5787

    Adding the chair of the student achievement council to the Washington higher education facilities authority.

    SB 5788

    Regarding water discharge fees.

    SB 5789

    Addressing contractor liability for industrial insurance premiums.

    SB 5790

    Expanding participation in innovation academy cooperatives.

    SB 5791

    Supporting youth programs through agricultural fairs and the horse racing industry.

    SB 5792

    Concerning health care services for inmates in city, county, and regional jails.

    SB 5793

    Concerning the funding of enhanced public transportation zones for public transportation systems.

    SB 5794

    Concerning alternative learning experience courses.