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SB 5825
Allowing nurses and physicians to satisfy a portion of their continuing education credits through providing services to medicaid enrollees or the uninsured.
SB 5826
Addressing the shared leave pool.
SB 5827
Addressing service credit for certain school employee service workers.
SB 5828
Concerning the transition of residents of residential habilitation centers.
SB 5829
Providing enhanced payment to small rural hospitals that meet the criteria of a sole community hospital.
SB 5830
Addressing alternate early retirement for certain school employee service workers.
SB 5831
Providing a sales and use tax exemption for clay targets purchased by nonprofit gun clubs.
SB 5832
Addressing agreements between the Washington state patrol, the Washington state department of transportation, and other government entities for police services for projects involving state highway routes and public safety services.
SB 5833
Regulating interpreter services.
SB 5834
Concerning veteran-owned businesses.
SB 5835
Concerning differential tuition.
SB 5836
Providing certainty for local governments on water resource decisions.
SB 5837
Implementing career and college ready graduation requirements.
SB 5838
Restoring some of the nursing facility payment methodology changes made during 2011.
SB 5839
Creating a cause of action for the protection of employees acting in furtherance of public policy.