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Select a Bill to Comment on.
SB 5795
Advancing the deadline for approval of the redistricting plan.
SB 5796
Concerning emissions from certain emergency power sources.
SB 5797
Encouraging the establishment of effective specialty courts.
SB 5798
Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.
SB 5799
Establishing a tourism stakeholder task force for the purpose of increasing trade and economic development in Washington state.
SB 5800
Limiting the scope of the department of transportation's administration of the state's ferry system.
SB 5801
Concerning the review of and recommendations for ferry fares.
SB 5802
Developing recommendations to achieve the state's greenhouse gas emissions limits.
SB 5803
Concerning claims against public entities.
SB 5804
Addressing federal receipts reporting requirements.
SB 5805
Concerning projects of statewide significance for economic development and transportation.
SB 5806
Repealing an obsolete provision for a credit against property taxes paid on timber on public land.
SB 5807
Encouraging qualifying utilities to invest in and own distributed solar energy systems by reducing the cost of such systems by allowing qualifying utilities to use the investment cost recovery incentive program, by improving the economic value of solar energy systems relative to utility scale wind generation under the energy independence act, and by giving electrical companies regulatory certainty with respect to their investment in cost-effective distributed solar energy systems.
SB 5808
Affirming centralized payroll services as nontaxable between affiliated companies.
SB 5809
Changing provisions relating to the home visiting services account.