Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5735

    Concerning registered sex or kidnapping offenders.

    SB 5736

    Concerning higher education operating efficiencies.

    SB 5737

    Banning the sale of assault weapons.

    SB 5738

    Providing a funding source to improve education.

    SB 5739

    Promoting public safety by expanding local authority to enact ordinances restricting firearms in parks and recreational facilities.

    SB 5740

    Concerning the exemption for property owned by nonprofit religious organizations.

    SB 5741

    Allowing the use of lodging taxes for financing workforce housing and tourism promotion activities or facilities.

    SB 5742

    Addressing drayage truck operators at certain ports.

    SB 5743

    Modifying the use of revenue from automated school bus safety camera infractions.

    SB 5744

    Creating an industrial insurance high risk premium subsidy program.

    SB 5745

    Modifying the authority and duties of county treasurers.

    SB 5746

    Providing a method for dissolution of a public hospital district.

    SB 5747

    Concerning the election of public hospital district boards of commissioners.

    SB 5748

    Extending contribution limits to candidates for public hospital district boards of commissioners.

    SB 5749

    Repealing the unfunded state remittance for persons eligible for the federal earned income tax credit.