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Select a Bill to Comment on.
SB 5720
Concerning passenger-carrying vehicles for railroad employees.
SB 5721
Regulating the hours of service for certain railroad employees.
SB 5722
Concerning the utilities and transportation commission's regulatory authority over railroads.
SB 5723
Authorizing enhanced raffles conducted by bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations serving individuals with intellectual disabilities.
SB 5724
Modifying school district bidding requirements for improvement and repair projects.
SB 5725
Concerning social worker licensing.
SB 5726
Placing geographic limitations on local paid sick leave and paid safe leave programs.
SB 5727
Addressing prevailing wages in distressed counties.
SB 5728
Declaring state preemption of local paid sick and paid safe leave regulation.
SB 5729
Clarifying that real estate brokers licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW are independent contractors.
SB 5730
Funding higher education child care grants.
SB 5731
Allowing beer and/or wine specialty shop licensees to sell craft distillery products.
SB 5732
Concerning the adult behavioral health system in Washington state.
SB 5733
Establishing criteria to be used by interest arbitration panels.
SB 5734
Continuing the use of the legislature's sunset review process.