Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5659

    Modifying assault in the third degree provisions.

    SB 5660

    Regarding firearms safety education programs.

    SB 5661

    Addressing property assessments and the appeal of those assessments.

    SB 5662

    Concerning code enforcement of storage facilities.

    SB 5663

    Regarding derelict and abandoned vessels in state waters.

    SB 5664

    Establishing a process for the payment of impact fees through provisions stipulated in recorded covenants.

    SB 5665

    Concerning geoduck diver licenses.

    SB 5666

    Concerning disclosure of information by health care quality improvement programs, quality assurance programs, and peer review committees.

    SB 5667

    Providing for a single set of laws and procedures governing online learning.

    SB 5668

    Addressing the removal and discharge of peace officers.

    SB 5669

    Concerning trafficking.

    SB 5670

    Extending state need grant eligibility under certain circumstances.

    SB 5671

    Concerning accountability in providing opportunities for certain students to participate in transition services.

    SB 5672

    Supporting youth programs through agricultural fairs and the horse racing commission.

    SB 5673

    Creating a two-year freeze on tuition rates at community and technical colleges.