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SB 5629
Requiring a study on emergency department overcrowding.
SB 5630
Implementing recommendations of the adult family home quality assurance panel.
SB 5631
Modifying the expiration dates that limit payments for health care services provided to low-income enrollees in state purchased health care programs by aligning them with the start of medicaid expansion.
SB 5632
Concerning the performance of spinal manipulation by physical therapists.
SB 5633
Addressing the restrictions on collecting a pension in the public employees' retirement system for retirees returning to work in an ineligible position or a position covered by another state retirement system.
SB 5634
Clarifying the department of natural resources' authority to enter into cooperative agreements.
SB 5635
Granting courts discretion to deny restoration of firearm rights to a person who has been involuntarily committed for mental health treatment when it appears the person is likely to engage in violent or unsafe behaviors.
SB 5636
Providing a process for county legislative authorities to withdraw from voluntary planning under the growth management act.
SB 5637
Concerning primary election voters' pamphlets.
SB 5638
Addressing the fiscal impacts of bills and budgets.
SB 5639
Identifying and reviewing new programs.
SB 5640
Addressing fiscal notes.
SB 5641
Requiring the governor's signature on significant legislative rules.
SB 5642
Raising the minimum state funding assistance percentage for the school construction assistance program.
SB 5643
Concerning exemptions from the five-year time limit for recipients of the temporary assistance for needy families program.