Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5585

    Requiring drug testing for recipients of benefits under the temporary assistance for needy families program.

    SB 5586

    Requiring the certificate of need review to include a determination of whether hospitals are able to provide a full range of legal medical services.

    SB 5587

    Concerning student assessments.

    SB 5588

    Changing the definition of "school day."

    SB 5589

    Providing for a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.

    SB 5590

    Modifying requirements for the operation of commercial motor vehicles in compliance with federal regulations.

    SB 5591

    Concerning confidential license plates, drivers' licenses, identicards, and vessel registrations.

    SB 5592

    Modifying the use of certain toll bridge revenue.

    SB 5593

    Concerning filing requirements for property tax exemption claims for certain improvements to benefit fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, or water quantity.

    SB 5607

    Concerning beer, wine, and spirits theater licenses.

    SB 5594

    Establishing minimum standards for sick and safe leave from employment.

    SB 5595

    Concerning child care reform.

    SB 5596

    Regarding certain lake management activities on lands owned by the state of Washington.

    SB 5597

    Concerning locksmith services.

    SB 5598

    Concerning the disposition of surplus property for the development of affordable housing.