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SB 5555
Enacting the Washington state renewable energy space heating act.
SB 5556
Concerning missing endangered persons.
SB 5557
Encouraging educating students on the content and importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
SB 5558
Creating loan-making authority for down payment assistance for single-family homeownership.
SB 5559
Authorizing educational specialist degrees at Central Washington University and Western Washington University.
SB 5560
Modifying job skills program provisions.
SB 5561
Concerning the business and occupation taxation of dairy products.
SB 5562
Concerning providers and facilities' participation in the provision of medical care or in the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in accordance with a form developed by the department of health.
SB 5563
Regarding training for school employees in the prevention of sexual abuse.
SB 5564
Addressing when vehicles overtake and pass pedestrians or bicyclists.
SB 5565
Concerning background checks for individuals seeking a license under chapter 74.13 RCW or unsupervised access to children.
SB 5566
Concerning interviewing children in child protective services investigations at children's advocacy centers.
SB 5567
Changing requirements for membership on community and technical college boards of trustees.
SB 5568
Concerning the disclosure of certain information when screening tenants.
SB 5569
Establishing a requirement and system for reporting incidents of student restraint and isolation in public schools.