Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5494

    Concerning carbon monoxide alarms.

    SB 5496

    Authorizing approval of online school programs in private schools.

    SB 5497

    Concerning assault in the third degree against a school employee.

    SB 5498

    Authorizing counties to establish and conduct polling place voting.

    SB 5499

    Changing the time for filing initiative measures.

    SB 5500

    Providing a replacement ballot by telephone, mail, or in person to a voter who is not a voter that is overseas or in the military.

    SB 5501

    Reducing certain requirements affecting school districts.

    SB 5502

    Requiring Columbia river crossing project tolling agreements to contain certain provisions.

    SB 5503

    Concerning payment of delinquent property taxes.

    SB 5504

    Requiring state employees to be truthful when providing employment-related information.

    SB 5505

    Encouraging valid voter signatures on petitions count and timely validation of signatures.

    SB 5506

    Concerning funding for the safe routes to school program.

    SB 5507

    Increasing transparency of donors to candidates and ballot measures.

    SB 5508

    Restricting prevailing wages on certain rural school district projects.

    SB 5509

    Concerning electronic timekeeping for in-home personal care or respite services.