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SB 5479
Establishing a process for voluntary temporary safekeeping of firearms with law enforcement agencies.
SB 5480
Accelerating changes to mental health involuntary commitment laws.
SB 5481
Developing and enforcing standards for the department of social and health services' supported living program.
SB 5482
Concerning the federal basic health option of the affordable care act.
SB 5483
Regarding the financial education public-private partnership.
SB 5484
Concerning assault in the third degree occurring in areas used in connection with court proceedings.
SB 5485
Concerning unauthorized access to firearms.
SB 5486
Providing partial and total confinement options for offenders.
SB 5487
Providing a minimum term sentence for certain persistent offenders.
SB 5488
Establishing an enhanced penalty for the use of an internet advertisement to facilitate the commission of a sex-trafficking crime.
SB 5489
Adopting the insurer state of entry model act.
SB 5490
Concerning veterans' assistance levies.
SB 5491
Establishing statewide indicators of educational health.
SB 5492
Requiring transparency for patients regarding training and qualifications of health care professionals.
SB 5493
Funding the prescription monitoring program from the medicaid fraud penalty account.