Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5435

    Regarding the creation of a storm water compliance project.

    SB 5436

    Making specific prosecution and defense documents and materials exempt from public inspection and copying.

    SB 5437

    Regarding boating safety.

    SB 5438

    Using conservation achieved by a qualifying utility in excess of its biennial acquisition target under the energy independence act.

    SB 5439

    Concerning the administrative costs for the allocation, management, and oversight of housing trust fund investments.

    SB 5440

    Creating support public schools special license plates.

    SB 5441

    Prioritizing state investments in storm water control.

    SB 5442

    Protecting the state's interest in collecting deferred property taxes.

    SB 5443

    Creating greater efficiency in the offices of county assessors by allowing notification via electronic means.

    SB 5444

    Creating greater efficiency in the offices of county assessor by eliminating the requirement to annually appraise tax-exempt government properties.

    SB 5445

    Funding capital projects.

    SB 5446

    Providing a process for the state auditor's office to apply for investigative subpoenas.

    SB 5447

    Addressing the unintentional lapses of long-term care insurance policies.

    SB 5448

    Narrowing the requirement that utilities purchase electricity, renewable energy credits, or electric generating facilities that are not needed to serve their customers' loads.

    SB 5449

    Addressing the Washington state health insurance pool.