Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5465

    Concerning exemptions from licensure as a physical therapist.

    SB 5466

    Modifying criminal history record information compliance audit provisions.

    SB 5467

    Conforming vehicle owner list furnishment requirements with federal law.

    SB 5468

    Modifying the definition of tourist for the purposes of the lodging tax.

    SB 5469

    Concerning the prescription of biological products and interchangeable biosimilar products.

    SB 5470

    Recognizing the need for facility-based vocational services for persons with developmental disabilities.

    SB 5471

    Addressing insurance, generally.

    SB 5472

    Authorizing applied doctorate level degrees in audiology at Western Washington University.

    SB 5473

    Enacting the Washington voting rights act of 2013.

    SB 5474

    Promoting state employee wellness and productivity.

    SB 5475

    Creating a licensing category for receiving care centers.

    SB 5495

    Expanding the membership of the state building code council.

    SB 5476

    Clarifying the employment status of independent contractors in the news business.

    SB 5477

    Delineating standard diplomas and applied diplomas.

    SB 5478

    Prohibiting possession of firearms for persons participating in mental health court.