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Select a Bill to Comment on.
SB 5420
Creating a two-year freeze on tuition rates at four-year institutions of higher education.
SB 5421
Changing enrollment forecasts and budgeting for institutions of higher education.
SB 5422
Concerning telecommunications tax parity.
SB 5423
Concerning the scope and costs of the diabetes epidemic in Washington.
SB 5424
Concerning paint stewardship.
SB 5425
Concerning the entering of monetary judgments against defendants under the residential and manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant acts.
SB 5426
Concerning unlawful detainer.
SB 5427
Removing certain requirements for vehicle registration certificate applicants.
SB 5428
Creating initiatives in high schools to save lives in the event of cardiac arrest.
SB 5429
Increasing accountability for the tax preferences for manufacturing machinery and equipment by requiring a net benefit to the state and deferring sales and use tax.
SB 5430
Modifying the distribution and use of aircraft excise taxes.
SB 5431
Recognizing hydroelectricity as an eligible renewable resource in the energy independence act.
SB 5432
Concerning hydroelectric power.
SB 5433
Concerning mid-level dental professionals.
SB 5434
Addressing the filing and public disclosure of health care provider compensation.