Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5360

    Addressing the collection of unpaid wages.

    SB 5361

    Modifying payment methods on certain claimants' benefits.

    SB 5362

    Addressing the recommendations of the vocational rehabilitation subcommittee for workers' compensation.

    SB 5363

    Addressing industrial insurance for horse racing employment.

    SB 5364

    Concerning court reporters, communication access real-time translation, and real-time captioning services.

    SB 5365

    Increasing the capacity of school districts to recognize and respond to troubled youth.

    SB 5366

    Requiring the office of the superintendent of public instruction to assist school districts in disclosing information about required assessments.

    SB 5367

    Concerning Yakima river basin water resource management.

    SB 5368

    Determining the proportion of supplemental income to be paid by component cities, towns, and counties.

    SB 5369

    Concerning the use of geothermal resources.

    SB 5370

    Implementing the recommendation of the developmental disabilities service system task force relating to community living safeguards.

    SB 5371

    Implementing the recommendations of the developmental disability service system task force.

    SB 5372

    Reducing criminal justice expenses by eliminating the death penalty in favor of life incarceration.

    SB 5373

    Concerning confidential informants.

    SB 5374

    Concerning photographs, microphotographs, and electronic images from traffic safety cameras and toll systems.