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SB 5315
Implementing the recommendations made by the Powell fatality team.
SB 5316
Adopting a model policy to require a third person to be present during interviews.
SB 5317
Concerning the tabulation and receipt of ballots.
SB 5318
Removing the one-year waiting period for veterans or active members of the military for purposes of eligibility for resident tuition.
SB 5319
Regarding access to state recreation lands by disabled veterans.
SB 5320
Requiring the county auditor to establish a minimum number of ballot drop boxes for counties and cities.
SB 5321
Harmonizing state greenhouse gas reporting requirements with federal requirements.
SB 5322
Concerning municipally produced class A biosolids.
SB 5323
Authorizing assessments for nuisance abatement in cities and towns.
SB 5324
Concerning mosquito abatement in storm water control retention ponds.
SB 5325
Concerning the definition of a rural county for public facilities' sales and use tax purposes.
SB 5326
Delaying new storm water requirements.
SB 5327
Concerning small farms under the current use property tax program for farm and agricultural lands.
SB 5328
Creating a school-grading program that relies on the accountability index.
SB 5329
Creating the state superintendent school district.