Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5540

    Expanding opportunities to purchase health care coverage from out-of-state carriers.

    SB 5541

    Concerning the redemption of real property.

    SB 5542

    Addressing public employee benefits.

    SB 5543

    Regarding state and private partnerships for managing salmonid hatcheries.

    SB 5544

    Requiring an online higher education transfer and student advising system.

    SB 5545

    Establishing the working waterfront redevelopment jobs act.

    SB 5546

    Concerning floatation devices on state-owned aquatic lands and in state waters.

    SB 5547

    Addressing ocean acidification by taking action on the recommendations of the governor's blue ribbon panel on ocean acidification.

    SB 5548

    Limiting differential tuition.

    SB 5549

    Concerning the education of surgical technologists.

    SB 5550

    Concerning privileging and professional conduct reviews by health care professional review bodies.

    SB 5551

    Concerning competency to stand trial evaluations.

    SB 5552

    Improving child support collections by requiring reporting of compensation and establishing an intercept program.

    SB 5553

    Requiring the department of health to study the potential to divert ambulances to urgent care facilities.

    SB 5554

    Requiring a study of the prescription monitoring program and its role in increasing coordination of care.