Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5570

    Concerning school funding.

    SB 5571

    Increasing public awareness of mental illness and its consequences.

    SB 5572

    Regarding the sea cucumber dive fishery.

    SB 5573

    Implementing the first biennium spending plan recommendations of the joint task force on education funding.

    SB 5574

    Revising the admissibility in a civil action of failing to wear safety belt assemblies and failing to use child restraint systems.

    SB 5575

    Concerning state parks funding.

    SB 5576

    Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.

    SB 5577

    Protecting public employees who act ethically and legally.

    SB 5578

    Exempting certain family day care providers who have been operating for at least five years from any requirement to have a high school diploma or equivalent education.

    SB 5579

    Addressing land use decisions.

    SB 5580

    Modifying ballot processing provisions.

    SB 5581

    Regarding the allocation of one-half of one percent of original public school construction for equipment and technology purposes.

    SB 5582

    Concerning metropolitan park district property tax levies.

    SB 5583

    Requiring an annual permit fee on studded tire use.

    SB 5584

    Authorizing the sale of rights to name or rename state transportation facilities.