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SB 5613
Providing that certain cover charges for the opportunity to dance are not considered retail sales.
SB 5614
Encouraging reconciliation and nonadversarial approaches to dissolution.
SB 5615
Concerning the health professional loan repayment and scholarship program.
SB 5616
Concerning the use of farm vehicles on public highways.
SB 5617
Concerning service of petitions for release by persons committed as criminally insane.
SB 5618
Including searches by school resource officers and local police school liaison officers within the warrantless school search exception.
SB 5619
Exempting from prevailing wage requirements public works projects undertaken to repair fire damage.
SB 5621
Concerning certified payroll records on public works projects.
SB 5622
Concerning the taxation of large airplanes.
SB 5623
Concerning shoreline master program provisions for marine aquaculture net pen facilities.
SB 5624
Aligning high-demand secondary STEM or career and technical education programs with applied baccalaureate programs.
SB 5625
Requiring universal background checks for firearms transfers.
SB 5626
Concerning the practice of midwifery.
SB 5627
Concerning the taxation of commuter air carriers.
SB 5628
Allowing multiple liquor licenses at the same physical premises.