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SB 5674
Allowing wine and beer sampling at farmers markets.
SB 5675
Introducing private competition in industrial insurance coverage.
SB 5676
Protecting personal voter signatures.
SB 5677
Authorizing the establishment of a water management board in the Methow watershed.
SB 5678
Clarifying the use of automated traffic safety cameras at intersections with two or more arterial highways.
SB 5679
Improving the business climate and stimulating job creation by requiring certain agencies to establish a formal review process of existing rules.
SB 5680
Promoting economic development by providing information to businesses.
SB 5681
Facilitating treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders by requiring development of an integrated rule.
SB 5682
Concerning the replacement of like-in-kind household appliances.
SB 5683
Concerning informed consent and reporting of death for purposes of the death with dignity act.
SB 5684
Addressing the prevailing rate of wage paid on public works.
SB 5685
Concerning transparency with prevailing wage rate determinations.
SB 5686
Requiring surveys to develop data for prevailing wage determinations.
SB 5687
Concerning privilege for emergency medical responders.
SB 5688
Simplifying definitions and classifications concerning state and local tax systems.