Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5765

    Promoting economic development through business and government streamlining projects.

    SB 5766

    Improving relationships between agricultural producers and state regulatory staff.

    SB 5767

    Concerning inspection of dairy cattle.

    SB 5768

    Concerning outpatient commitment.

    SB 5769

    Adding electricity from hydroelectric generation projects with a generating capacity of thirty megawatts or less that do not impede migrating fish to the definition of an eligible renewable resource for the purposes of chapter 19.285 RCW.

    SB 5770

    Permitting conservation districts to use electronic deposits for employee pay and compensation.

    SB 5771

    Developing a risk assessment instrument for patients committed for involuntary treatment in Washington state.

    SB 5772

    Providing access to the prescription drug monitoring database for clinical laboratories.

    SB 5773

    Concerning local option transportation revenue.

    SB 5774

    Authorizing applications for a special permit to allow alcohol tasting by persons nineteen and twenty years of age under certain circumstances.

    SB 5775

    Allowing for a veteran designation on drivers' licenses and identicards.

    SB 5776

    Concerning interest rate and penalty provisions in the current use program.

    SB 5777

    Requiring an audit of the state universities.

    SB 5778

    Allowing certain county legislative authorities to impose a sales and use tax by ordinance.

    SB 5779

    Requiring the department of licensing to adopt rules regarding online learning for training in cosmetology, manicuring, barbering, esthetics, and instruction.