Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5750

    Expiring an underutilized deferral program in the department of revenue under chapter 84.37 RCW.

    SB 5751

    Requiring an inventory of state fees.

    SB 5752

    Extending the expiration date of the existing business and occupation tax rate for the manufacture and wholesale of certain solar energy systems.

    SB 5753

    Providing flexibility in the education system.

    SB 5754

    Concerning integrated career learning opportunities and employment training for at-risk youth.

    SB 5755

    Establishing a comprehensive initiative to increase learning opportunities and improve educational outcomes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through multiple strategies and statewide partnerships.

    SB 5756

    Concerning community reinvestment of oil windfall profits.

    SB 5757

    Concerning standards and policies governing information technology.

    SB 5758

    Making coverage of certain maritime service elective for purposes of unemployment compensation.

    SB 5759

    Concerning data collection and operational cost funding for the Washington state economic development commission.

    SB 5760

    Providing compensation for commercial crop damage caused by bighorn sheep.

    SB 5761

    Concerning outdoor advertising sign fees, labels, and prohibitions.

    SB 5762

    Concerning relatives in dependency proceedings.

    SB 5763

    Concerning the placement of children with relatives.

    SB 5764

    Concerning the right to jury trial in termination actions.