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SB 5193
Concerning large wild carnivore conflict management.
SB 5194
Reducing educational employee cost-of-living adjustments and bonuses.
SB 5195
Allowing nonprofit institutions recognized by the state of Washington to be eligible to participate in the state need grant program.
SB 5196
Restoring payment rates for community residential providers and annually adjusting payment rates for community residential providers by the rate of inflation.
SB 5197
Requiring additional safety features in school construction and remodeling.
SB 5198
Exempting personal information relating to children from public inspection and copying.
SB 5199
Concerning de facto changes in water rights for irrigation purposes that involved conversion to more efficient irrigation technologies.
SB 5200
Concerning consolidating a new exempt withdrawal of groundwater into an existing public water system.
SB 5201
Accelerating cleanup of hazardous waste sites.
SB 5202
Creating the companion animal safety, population control, and spay/neuter assistance program.
SB 5203
Preventing animal cruelty.
SB 5204
Preventing animal cruelty.
SB 5205
Removing the expiration for the additional surcharge imposed on registered nurses and licensed practical nurses.
SB 5207
Addressing the consumer loan act.
SB 5208
Addressing fees and semiannual assessments, powers, lending limits, and technical amendments related to state-chartered banks, savings banks, savings associations, and trust companies.