Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5240

    Requiring cities and counties to provide security for their courts.

    SB 5241

    Concerning nonresident vessel permits and taxation.

    SB 5242

    Requiring policies regarding assignment of certificated instructional staff.

    SB 5243

    Establishing policies to support academic acceleration for high school students.

    SB 5244

    Regarding school suspensions and expulsions.

    SB 5245

    Regarding the collection of student suspension and expulsion data.

    SB 5246

    Clarifying the teacher and principal evaluation process with the intent of strengthening the process.

    SB 5247

    Regarding the assignment of intellectual property rights at institutions of higher education.

    SB 5248

    Creating a tax on plastic shopping bags.

    SB 5249

    Creating a business and occupation tax credit for hiring certain persons in manufacturing.

    SB 5250

    Concerning petroleum-based beverage bottles.

    SB 5251

    Exempting certain manufacturing research and development activities from business and occupation taxation.

    SB 5252

    Regarding the use of certain food service products.

    SB 5253

    Regarding retail store carryout bags.

    SB 5254

    Protecting salmon and steelhead spawning beds.