Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5163

    Requiring that child protective service workers be licensed as social workers and bonded.

    SB 5164

    Concerning farm vehicles that are exempt from vehicle registration.

    SB 5165

    Increasing the authority of superior court commissioners to hear and determine certain matters.

    SB 5166

    Concerning fiscal reform.

    SB 5167

    Regarding the ability of a local legislative authority to regulate genetically modified organisms.

    SB 5168

    Removing the insurance premium tax credit under the Washington insurance guaranty association act.

    SB 5169

    Implementing the recommendations of the sunshine committee.

    SB 5170

    Implementing a recommendation of the sunshine committee.

    SB 5171

    Implementing the recommendations of the sunshine committee.

    SB 5172

    Enacting the Ike act.

    SB 5173

    Excusing work and school absences for a reason of faith or conscience.

    SB 5174

    Concerning taxpayer accountability by requiring a net benefit to the state in order to claim the benefit of a tax expenditure.

    SB 5175

    Concerning sexual assault protection orders.

    SB 5176

    Addressing criminal incompetency and civil commitment.

    SB 5177

    Creating an office of corrections ombuds.