Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SB 5118

    Addressing access to original birth certificates after adoption finalization.

    SB 5119

    Creating a sentence enhancement for body armor.

    SB 5120

    Concerning expenditures for works of art.

    SB 5122

    Concerning patient and staff safety at state hospitals.

    SB 5123

    Establishing a farm internship program.

    SB 5124

    Simplifying and adding certainty to the calculation of workers' compensation benefits.

    SB 5125

    Addressing workers' compensation reform through clarification of occupational disease claims.

    SB 5126

    Concerning recovery for purposes of legal actions under the industrial insurance statutes.

    SB 5127

    Amending provisions governing structured settlements by removing age barriers and clarifying legislative intent.

    SB 5128

    Addressing compensation for injured workers.

    SB 5129

    Authorizing the establishment and use of veterans' treatment courts.

    SB 5130

    Concerning insurance coverage of treatment of eosinophilia gastrointestinal associated disorders.

    SB 5131

    Providing tax incentives for donations of modern laboratory equipment to higher education institutions and vocational skills centers.

    SB 5132

    Concerning the disclosure of estimated debt service costs.

    SB 5133

    Ensuring growth management hearings board members meet qualifications relating to land use experience.