Authorizing government agencies to sell naming rights of public facilities.
HB 1051
Authorizing the sale of rights to name or rename state transportation facilities.
HB 1052
Concerning local government selection of appropriate sewer systems in urban areas.
HB 1053
Requiring notice to property owners when a county, city, or town modifies its zoning requirements.
HB 1054
Regarding the allocation of one-half of one percent of original public school construction for equipment and technology purposes.
HB 1055
Concerning metropolitan park district property tax levies.
HB 1056
Authorizing certain corporate officers to receive unemployment benefits.
HB 1057
Making 2013-2015 operating appropriations.
HB 1058
Making 2013 supplemental operating appropriations.
HB 1059
Providing that a proclamation of a state of emergency is effective upon the governor's signature.
HB 1060
Scoring an offense a class C felony equivalent if the offense was a felony under the relevant out-of-state statute when there is no clearly comparable offense under Washington law.
HB 1061
Changing provisions regarding the finding of aggravating circumstances.
HB 1062
Removing provisions relating to subversive activities.
HB 1063
Creating a senior center license.
HB 1064
Making technical changes to form year designations.
HB 1065
Addressing the applicability of statutes of limitation in arbitration proceedings.
HB 1066
Requiring the advertised selling price of liquor to include liquor taxes.
HB 1067
Enhancing the basic education allocation formula for principals, assistant principals, and other certificated building-level administrators to support the teacher evaluation program requirements of RCW 28A.405.100.
HB 1068
Concerning the television reception improvement district excise tax.
HB 1069
Concerning the fair debt buyers practices act.
HB 1070
Addressing employer notification upon commercial driver's license suspension.
HB 1071
Regarding state and private partnerships for managing salmonid hatcheries.
HB 1072
Creating the agricultural labor skills and safety grant program.
HB 1073
Concerning payments to counties in lieu of property taxes on state-owned land.
HB 1074
Concerning requirements governing and associated with plat approvals.
HB 1075
Concerning the number of Puget Sound Dungeness crab fishery licenses that one vessel may be designated to carry.
HB 1076
Expanding participation in innovation academy cooperatives.
HB 1077
Authorizing the educational service district board to fill vacancies on the board of directors in second-class school districts with an at-large appointment if after one hundred twenty days a candidate from the director district cannot be recruited.
HB 1078
Requiring the ballot proposition to reduce the terms of office of port commissioners to be submitted at the next general election.
HB 1079
Regarding economic revitalization in urban growth areas.
HB 1080
Concerning the crime of rendering criminal assistance.
HB 1081
Addressing certain annual reviews of commitment.
HB 1082
Providing for a reduction of ferry fares.
HB 1083
Authorizing judges of tribal courts to solemnize marriages.
HB 1084
Concerning the medical use of cannabis.
HB 1085
Concerning the Washington health security trust.
HB 1086
Allowing for the vacation of certain driving-related convictions under limited circumstances.
HB 1087
Allowing for more than one vacation of a misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor conviction.
HB 1088
Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts.
HB 1089
Adopting the 2013-2015 capital budget.
HB 1090
Increasing the dollar amount for construction of a dock that does not qualify as a substantial development under the shoreline management act.
HB 1091
Changing provisions relating to presidential electors.
HB 1092
Providing a right of first repurchase for surplus transportation property.
HB 1093
Regarding state agency lobbying activities.
HB 1094
Requiring agreements between state agencies and the federal government to be reported to the legislature.
HB 1095
Concerning nursing staffing practices at hospitals.
HB 1096
Concerning juvenile firearms and weapons crimes.
HB 1097
Amending provisions governing structured settlements by removing age barriers and clarifying legislative intent.
HB 1050
HB 1051
HB 1052
HB 1053
HB 1054
HB 1055
HB 1056
HB 1057
HB 1058
HB 1059
HB 1060
HB 1061
HB 1062
HB 1063
HB 1064
HB 1065
HB 1066
HB 1067
HB 1068
HB 1069
HB 1070
HB 1071
HB 1072
HB 1073
HB 1074
HB 1075
HB 1076
HB 1077
HB 1078
HB 1079
HB 1080
HB 1081
HB 1082
HB 1083
HB 1084
HB 1085
HB 1086
HB 1087
HB 1088
HB 1089
HB 1090
HB 1091
HB 1092
HB 1093
HB 1094
HB 1095
HB 1096
HB 1097
HB 1098
HB 1099