
Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


HB 2060

Including third party claims under the fair conduct act.

HB 2079

Concerning the environmental legacy stewardship account.

2ESB 5701

Authorizing the suspension or revocation of certificates or permits to teach based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Authorizing penalties based on the fraudulent submission of tests for educators. )

HB 1977

Promoting renewable energy.

HB 1981

Requiring massage therapy establishments to be licensed.

HB 1993

Concerning the construction and alteration of ferries.

HB 1995

Concerning state contracts for call center services.

HB 1997

Concerning the taxation of home service contracts.

HB 1999

Concerning mitigation matching requirements for state transportation projects.

HB 2001

Concerning the fuel tax used to determine fuel tax distributions to certain accounts.

HB 2002

Modifying snowmobile license fees.

HR 4635

Celebrating the 2013 Daffodil Festival.

HB 2003

Relating to fiscal matters.

HR 4638

Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright.

HB 2017

Changing the deadline for notices of nonrenewal of contracts for certificated school employees.

HB 2018

Regarding additional contribution rates for employers of the Washington state retirement systems.

HB 2020

Expanding economic development and creating jobs by increasing the availability of ammunition and firearm parts and accessories in Washington state.

HB 2021

Regarding sediment removal by citizen volunteers.

SB 5890

Concerning the titling and registration of vehicles.

HB 2022

Concerning dispensing contraceptive drugs for medicaid enrollees.

HB 2024

Concerning legal proceedings by the attorney general on behalf of state officers.

HB 2025

Concerning design alternatives for the Columbia river crossing project.

SB 5902

Relating to driving under the influence.

HB 2027

Concerning provisions governing the use of direct deposit.

HB 2028

Concerning marijuana in negligent driving provisions.

HB 2029

Eliminating economic development-related agencies, boards, and commissions.

HB 2030

Modifying provisions that address impaired driving.

HB 2031

Prohibiting certain employer communications about political or religious matters.

HB 2040

Relating to consolidating small loans and small consumer installment loans under chapter 31.45 RCW.

HB 2053

Concerning smoke detection devices in dwelling units.

HB 2055

Concerning the recovery of costs in consumer protection actions.

HB 2056

Correcting the definition of THC concentration as adopted by Initiative Measure No. 502 to avoid an implication that conversion, by combustion, of tetrahydrocannabinol acid into delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol is not part of the THC content that differentiates marijuana from hemp.

HB 2057

Modifying arrest without warrant provisions.

HB 2058

Requiring transparency in enacted state capital and transportation budget appropriations and expenditures.

HB 2059

Concerning the voluntary purchase of eligible renewable resources by customers of electric utilities.

HR 4655

Providing for the conducting of House business during interim periods.

HB 2062

Providing that a quarterly revenue forecast is due on February 20th during both a long and short legislative session year.

SB 5931

Clarifying the requirements for health plans offered outside of the exchange.

HCR 4407

Specifying the status of bills, memorials, and resolutions for the 2013 first special session of the Sixty-third legislature.

SB 5933

Concerning flame retardants.

SB 5934

Concerning the referral process in the pharmacy profession.

SB 5936

Providing for a performance and enrollment-based methodology of distributing state appropriations to public institutions of higher education.

HB 2063

Establishing an education investment tax credit.

HB 2064

Preserving funding deposited into the education legacy trust account used to support common schools and access to higher education by restoring the application of the Washington estate and transfer tax to certain property transfers.

HB 2065

Regarding an integrated high quality continuum of early learning.

HB 2066

Reducing the costs and inefficiencies in elections by eliminating a requirement to include the full text of ballot measures in the printed version of voters' pamphlets.

HB 2069

Concerning continuation of safety net benefits for persons with a physical or mental disability which makes them eligible for certain social services programs.

HB 2070

Concerning Washington state department of transportation projects.

HB 2071

Authorizing expedited permitting and contracting for Washington state bridges deemed structurally deficient.

HB 2072

Concerning collected compostable waste.