
Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


HR 4601

Notifying the Governor that the House is ready to conduct business.

HR 4603

Recognizing the life and work of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

HR 4604

Recognizing Gonzaga University's contributions to Washington state.

HR 4605

Honoring Allen Hayward.

HR 4606

Recognizing the 4-H Youth Development Program for its many contributions to the youth of Washington.

HR 4607

Honoring the achievements of the Montesano High School football team.

HR 4609

Honoring the National Guard.

HR 4610

Thanking pulp and paper mill workers.

HR 4611

Commending the Independent Colleges of Washington.

HR 4612

Honoring civic educators.

HR 4613

Celebrating the presence of Filipino-Americans.

HR 4614

Recognizing Pain Awareness Month.

HR 4615

Recognizing Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

HR 4616

Honoring Presidents' Day.

HR 4617

Recognizing Japanese-American World War II veterans and internees.

HR 4618

Recognizing the lasting legacy of Police Chief Erik Ramstead.

HR 4619

Honoring the life work of Justice Vernon R. Pearson.

HR 4620

Honoring Peace Corps volunteers and recognizing the 2013 Top Peace Corps Volunteer-Producing Colleges.

HR 4621

Celebrating Children's Day.

HR 4622

Congratulating the Seattle Seahawks.

HR 4623

Recognizing Caleb Dawson as a recipient of a Prudential Spirit of Community Award.

HR 4624

Honoring the Third Stryker Brigade.

HR 4625

Honoring Jerry Tretwold.

HR 4626

Honoring Consul General Gao Zhansheng.

SB 5000

Regarding aeronautic safety.

SB 5001

Requiring senate confirmation of growth management hearings board members.

SB 5002

Concerning mosquito control districts.

SB 5003

Reducing the cost of transportation projects by providing a sales and use tax exemption.

SB 5004

Restricting gubernatorial appointment of legislators to boards, commissions, and councils.

SB 5005

Concerning fiscal relief for cities and counties in times of declining revenues.

SB 5006

Concerning uncontested rate modifications for utilities and transportation commission regulated water companies.

SB 5007

Regulating the settling of certain insurer transactions.

SB 5008

Addressing portable electronics insurance.

SB 5009

Concerning health plan coverage for the voluntary termination of a pregnancy.

SB 5010

Establishing that courts may order an offender to refrain from the consumption of marijuana as a part of community custody conditions.

SB 5011

Prohibiting the state of Washington and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing environmental and developmental policies that infringe or restrict private property rights without due process.

SB 5012

Verifying the lawful status of individuals upon obtaining or renewing their state-issued drivers' licenses or related identification.

SB 5013

Requiring a vote of the people before all annexations.

SB 5014

Limiting the power of eminent domain.

SB 5015

Including a child fourteen or younger in the aggravated first degree murder provisions.

SB 5016

Eliminating the periodic replacement requirement for license plates.

SB 5017

Eliminating the certificate of need review for all health care facilities except hospitals.

SB 5018

Eliminating the requirement to purchase public art with appropriations made for construction of public buildings.

SB 5019

Concerning the use of public resources by office holders during campaigns.

SB 5020

Modifying indigent defense provisions.

SB 5021

Changing the crime of riot to the crime of criminal mischief.

SB 5022

Changing retail theft with extenuating circumstances to retail theft with special circumstances.

SB 5023

Providing for college DUI courts.

SB 5024

Making transportation appropriations for the 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 fiscal biennia.

SB 5025

Providing that a proclamation of a state of emergency is effective upon the governor's signature.