Meeting Time: April 28, 2013 at 10:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired


Select a Bill to Comment on.

    SR 8600

    Notifying the Governor that the Senate is ready to conduct business.

    SR 8601

    Adopting Senate Rules.

    SR 8602

    Adopting Senate Rules.

    SR 8603

    Recognizing the hard work and contributions made by the people and organizations that make Project Homeless Connect a continued success.

    SR 8604

    Honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    SR 8605

    Recognizing the 4-H Youth Development Program for its many contributions to the youth of Washington.

    SR 8606

    Amending Senate Rules.

    SR 8607

    Amending Senate Rules.

    SR 8608

    Honoring the achievements of the Montesano High School football team.

    SR 8609

    Celebrating outdoor recreation in Washington state.

    SR 8610

    Honoring the career of Senator Bob Morton.

    SR 8611

    Reaffirming Washington's commitment to a strong relationship with Taiwan.

    SR 8612

    Honoring Senator Jerome Delvin.

    SR 8613

    Honoring the National Guard.

    SR 8614

    Honoring President Ronald Wilson Reagan.